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Kate Just, The Personal Is Political (2023)
- 25.4 x 25.4 x 2.5 cm
Kate Just
The Personal Is Political (test), 2023
25.4 x 25.4 x 2.5 cm
Acrylic yarn, timber, canvas
This work was a test for a series of work I am doing called 50 Rules for Making Art from 50 Years of Making Art, a series of hand knitted squares which reflect the things I have learned over a life time of making art. The stitching came out a little wonky but I still liked the work, so decided to donate it.
This work was exhibited at Bus Projects as part of the 2023 Fundraiser exhibition.
Just is an American born Australian feminist artist best known for her inventive and political use of knitting. In addition to her solo practice, Just often works socially and collaboratively within communities to create large scale, public art projects that tackle significant social issues including sexual harassment and violence against women.

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