Youthworx, Damian Seddon Youthworx film screening and Q&A plus performance by Damian Seddon
Dates: Feb 27th, 1 - 3:30pm
Join us for a closing of the exhibition ‘Joining my future: Art, Work, Inequality and Crisis’ for an afternoon of events that include a screening of a selection of films by Youthworx artists and Q&A, followed by a dance performance by Outer Urban Project’s artist Damian Seddon. People are welcome to turn up to just one or all of the events. Nibbles and drinks will be provided.
1pm - arrive to watch the Youthworx video in the exhibition (50 mins duration).
2pm - special film screening of Youthworx artist videos and Q&A with artists (60 mins).
3pm - Damian Seddon performs plus closing drinks (60 mins).
Youthworx is a youth media social enterprise that trains and employs young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in creative and commercial media production. We offer accredited training in Certificate II and III in Creative Industries and run a film production business where we employ graduates of the training in key production roles. We have been operating since 2008 and each year work intensively with 25-30 young people as well as running short workshops for a further 80 highly marginalised young people.
Outer Urban Projects is a bold performing arts company that creates new forms of contemporary performance imagined from the life experiences of young emerging artists from the outer northern suburbs of Melbourne - a part of Melbourne and Australia that although not at the epicentre of mainstream cultural life, possesses great artistic wealth and community energy. We give voice to the unexpressed aspirations and creative potential of ghettoised, culturally diverse emerging artists whose origins span five continents. OUPs programs are interlinked, they include a Community Access Tutorial Program, Fee For Service (Social Enterprise), Linkages to further arts training and employment with other arts companies, a developing Ensemble, Major Works for main stage presentation and an Associate Artist Program. https://www.outerurbanprojects.org/
Damian Seddon is a choreographer and hip-hop dancer with a style that leans towards contemporary street dance. Residing in Reservoir, Damian has worked as a dance tutor for Outer Urban Projects’ Community Access program. As an Associate Artists of Outer Urban Projects Damian performed in the company’s Major Work, VESSEL, and is a regular workshop instructor for Dance Alliance and performed in Hume Studios. In 2017 Damian was chosen from a large pool of auditionees to become a cast member for Sir Matthew Bourne’s adaptation, Lord Of The Flies, State Theatre, Art Centre Melbourne (2017). Damian secured a scholarship to attend Wildabeast in the United States – a convention and workshop geared to commercial dance industry.