Emma White The Artist
Opening: Tuesday 29th April 6-8pm Dates: 29 April-17 May 2008
If a cluttered desk is a cluttered mind, then a desk is a surface you can lay your psyche out on. The Artist reproduces a fictional working space as installation, softening the distinctions between function and aesthetics, between making and the made, and raising a dialogue about dimensionality, practice and representation. The tools and artefacts associated with working are reproduced in Fimo, reducing the diversity of real world detritus to an artificial uniformity of surface and dysfunctionality. Here, models of things reiterate themselves; objects become segues, tools become sculpture, drawings become things. The pieces cumulatively suggest the potential for both productive labour and for playful time-wasting.
It helps me to think of my work as language, each object a part of a sentence, interacting syntactically with its neighbours. Still-life is like this, a basic structure of modular parts, forming something that can be read as complete through its unthreatening conventionality. This installation represents its own making; it’s a necessarily reductive attempt to represent action and cognition through objects and images.