Sheena Colquhoun Spherical Bastards
Opening: Wednesday 10 May, 6-8pm Dates: 10 May – 3 June 2017
In infinite variations I find my soulmate
A train network spirals into a discrete number
Of roller-coasters, a signal failure proves disaster
“Astronomers are spherical bastards, no matter how you look at them, they’re just bastards”
-Fritz Zwicky, belligerent astronomer
Spherical Bastards is a single channel video essay, a layered constellation of symbols and words, images and poetry. It considers the contradictory stance of being at once ground-breaking and a hindrance, of being at once in the stars and inside a body.
Sheena Colquhoun is an artist and poet who graduated from Fine Arts (Honours) at Monash University in 2014. She was the recipient of the Sunshine Coast New Media Art award in 2015, and has been published in UK based Journal Tender. She has exhibited locally at Seventh Gallery, West Space and Bus Projects as well as internationally.

Sheena Colquhoun, 'Spherical Bastards' (digital video still), 2016