Jess Gall Sandra Punctuates
Opening: Wednesday 9 November, 6-8pm Dates: 9 - 26 November 2016
Jess Gall is interested in how we overcome learnt expectations of performing. The varying states that operate as we try-not-to-try; perform and not perform at once. Inspired by Avril Lavigne and Sandra Sully to touch on ideas of failure/success, the inevitable tensions that erupt between being (roles) and becoming (doing) is explored.
Concerned with a performing body; how this operates as an expressive tool and communicative vessel. Gall often employs props and objects combined with studio based photographic materials to deconstruct and reconstruct, anthropomorphize and reconfigure functionality. Her art(s) is/are often strategized through doing- play, improvisation and re-enactment, and remain ongoing in duration with multiple facet’s fragmentarily occurring.
An iteration of ‘A Portal into Avril Lavigne as Sandra Sully’ will be presented with adjustments according to the architectural nuances of Gallery 5. A suspended gesture comes into play; flattened, removed and in a state of collapse… To engulf the room (or not), making aware it’s overlooked performative potential.
Jess Gall is currently finishing her Honours year at RMIT after graduating from her BFA in 2015. Jess will be exhibiting in January during BLINDSIDE’s Summer Studio program as part of Playcentre, formed in 2015.