Adolfo Aranjuez, Quinn Eades Queering Language
Opening: Sunday 18 August, 1pm Dates: 18 August - 25 August, 2019
Hosted by Eamonn Moriarty-Gray and Lilli Lovegrove through Bus Projects, is a two-day participatory public program. We aim to explore the influence of language in shaping social and creative spaces, practices, individuals, relationships and institutions. Queering Language will particularly focus upon the inclusion or exclusion of people from LGBTQIA+ communities, and the intersection of language and being queer.
The marginalization of LGBTQIA+ individuals occurs through repeated aggressions of language; from explicit slurs to erasure. This is common throughout social spaces in our communities, from the exclusive gendering of bathrooms to the lumping of diverse individuals within reductive labels of commonality. We hope to unpack some of the structural inequalities surrounding gender, particularly the problematic and harmful ways these inequalities manifest it’s way through language.
This program will be set over two consecutive Sundays, the 18th of August and the 25th of August.
Sunday, 18th August:
We welcome community education organisation, Undercurrent, to facilitate a workshop engaging participants in investigating the intersections of language, space, gender, and identity. This educational workshop will create a framework for these concepts that exists outside the artist’s perspective and focuses on social change.
Sunday, 25th August:
This session will feature an artist-led group discussion, hosted by creatives Adolfo Aranjuez and Quinn Eades, exploring creative practices informed by the ‘queering of language’. The diverse pedagogical approach looks to include participants in a mutual exchange of knowledge, aiming to create an environment for reciprocal discussion.
Please note: These workshops are separate events and do not require you to attend both.
Adolfo Aranjuez is editor of film and media periodical Metro and, formerly, editor-in-chief of sexuality and gender magazine Archer. He is also a freelance writer, speaker and dancer. His nonfiction and poetry have appeared in Meanjin, Right Now, Screen Education, The Manila Review, Cordite and elsewhere, and he has worked with Melbourne Writers Festival, Jaipur Literature Festival, Midsumma, ABC TV, the Melbourne and Adelaide film festivals, The Wheeler Centre, Federation Square, Multicultural Arts Victoria, NIDA and Dance Massive, among others. He is on the UNESCO Melbourne City of Literature strategic advisory group and was a MIFF 2018 Critics Campus mentor.
Quinn Eades is a writer, researcher, editor, gutter philosopher and poet, whose book Rallying was awarded the 2018 Mary Gilmore Award for best first book of poetry. He is the author of all the beginnings: a queer autobiography of the body, and is a Tracey Banivanua Mar Research Fellow at La Trobe University, Melbourne.
We acknowledge the rightful custodians of the land on which this event takes place; the Wuruendjeri people and elders past, present, and emerging of the Kulin nations. We pay our respects to their ongoing connection to the lands and waters that we operate on and acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded.
TICKETS (free): https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/bus-projects-queering-language-tickets-62636097253