Put Up a Signal
Opening: Wednesday 6 November, 6-8pm Dates: 6-23 November 2013
Participating artists from Australia and Indonesia include: Irwan Ahmett (ID), Muhammad Akbar (ID), Akiq AW (ID), Tristan Jalleh (AU), Greatest Hits (AU), Eugenia Lim (AU), Oliver van der Lugt (AU), Rowan McNaught (AU), Sean Peoples (AU), Anggun Priambodo (ID), Emile Zile (AU), M.R. Adytama Pranada a.k.a Charda (ID)
Asialink Arts, Bus Projects (Melbourne) and Ruang MES 56 (Yogyakarta) present Put Up a Signal, a multifaceted artist exchange featuring Indonesian and Australian screen based art. Exploiting the fact that video and sound files can now be shared across the world at low cost, the project explores opportunities for richer collaboration and exchange made possible through the Internet and digital platforms. Showcasing the developments taking place in both communities, the project uses an evolving, decentralised model of collaboration between artists and organisations.
Put Up a Signal Forum and publication launch at NEW LOW:
November 7, 6-8 pm. Free | The forum will bring together a selection of artists, curators and academics to discuss how developments in technology have shaped current artistic practice, and what digital platforms can offer in terms of intercultural communication and exchange. NEW LOW, Basement 746 Swanston St Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria
Various times and dates from 7pm November 8, 2013 | Project Launch at BEER DELUXE, THE ATRIUM, FEDERATION SQ, November 8, 6-8pm
Pop up Exhibition a BUS PROJECTS
6-23 November 2013.
Bus Projects is an independent arts organisation dedicated to supporting the critical, conceptual and interdisciplinary practices of Australian artists. In addition to its core gallery-based program of exhibitions, events and residencies, Bus Projects collaborates with a range of artists and arts organisations to produce projects off-site and within the public realm. http://busprojects.com.au/
Ruang Mes 56 is an artist run, non-profit institution, established in Jogja in 2002. The organisation emphasises an exploratory and experimental approach for exhibiting and critically engaging with photo-based art. With a mission to develop contemporary art discourse and visual culture, it also seeks to optimize the art network in the South East Asia region through programs and activities such as residencies, presentation/ discussions, exhibitions, and inter-disciplinary art projects. http://mes56.com/
Asialink Arts develops opportunities for cultural exchange between Australia and Asia and improve the Asia capability of the cultural sector based on the principles of partnership, collaboration and reciprocity. http://asialink.unimelb.edu.au/arts
Put Up a Signal is part of a the three part screen program which profiles the diverse cultural engagement between Australia and the Asian region. Presented by Asialink Arts and supported by the City of Melbourne and Federation Square.