Claire Harris, Siliga David Setoga, Nick Kleindienst, Natalie Thomas, David McDiarmid, Makiko Yamamoto, Richard Bell More Jokes
Opening: Wednesday 20 July, 6-8pm Dates: 20 July – 6 August 2016
“Humour: the divine flash that reveals the world in its moral ambiguity;…the strange pleasure that comes of the certainty that there is no certainty.” Milan Kundera, Testaments Betrayed
More Jokes is the second installment of The Joke an exhibition exploring humour’s relationship to power. More specifically, the subject’s relationship to its power source—how it is revered, critiqued, and subverted.
The first installment, Jokes, runs at Neon Parc from 14 July – 6 August and features Simon Zoric, Robert Rooney, Anastasia Klose, Claire Lambe, Adam Stone, Dan Moynihan, Sanja Pahoki, Ruth O’Leary.
With its slippery nature, humour dissolves certainties and creates new realties – it encompasses self-doubt, the release of tension, play, and takedown. In this exhibition humour is a strategy used by artists who take on various power sources: institutional, patriarchal, global, sexual, and personal. These artists, in early, mid and late career stages, contest the modern view of the world in a way, which is intrinsically comic yet also acknowledges a painful edge.
The exhibition’s mediums encompass photography, painting, video and sculpture. While some works are jokes in themselves, others comment on humour, or contain its mechanisms.
To expand its dissemination, the exhibition will be accompanied by an online catalogue (www.thejokeexhibition.com), which will evolve over the course of the exhibition, and will include an essay and commissioned writing.

Claire Harris, 'Be Seated'