Lane Cormick and Andrew Long Lack
Opening: Wednesday 2 September, 6–8pm Dates: 2–19 September 2015
Abstract cultivation of the agave plant was common in pre-Hispanic northern Mexico and the American Southwest, and scholars generally accept that it was a strategy to ensure food supply during years of drought when the maize crop failed. Because they look so unremarkable, yet so remarkably similar, the riddle of their strangeness, their difference both from each other and from us, will remain unanswered.
We explore the potential of this crop by assessing the risk of famine-induced migration events in different idealized environmental settings. They return our looks. Our curiosity turns on itself, devours itself, becomes, for us, preposterous, futile, presumptuous, vulgar. Why on earth did we think we were interested? What did we expect to learn?
‘Lack’ is a collaborative exhibition by melbourne-based artists Lane Cormick and Andrew Long.