Christopher L G Hill Glass Shoebox
Opening: Wednesday 30 September, 6–8pm Dates: 30 September – 17th October 2015
We live very private public lives, financed by other’s public performances, influenced by other’s disenfranchised socialisation.
We, in glass shoe boxes, no common banks, or multiplex jails.
*We don’t know when we live, where we sit, if we move, or are still?
**So many windows open that we finally catch the draft!
***So many windows, doors, skylights, that we no longer have to hold up the walls!
Cut shapes, words, objects, leaves, relationships, other peoples things, stuff, fruitless, free, etc. Installation, places, Anarchisms, info, shifting values, painting. tink thank, 3ply, poly:be press, Hardboiled City: Psychics Room, Christchurch, CFS Tour USA: NYC, A slowly built burner: Goodpress gallery, Glasgow, ambiguity, Freedom and Association (art problem): Masters in progress, Monash, DO Sum’n: TCB, Art as a verb: MUMA, and Artspace Sydney, Living Things: Lismore Regional Gallery. Y3K (RIP), Endless Lonely Planet (I, II, III……IV), Coco Confidential: Mission Comics, San Francisco, Bunyip Trax (tape/CDR label), Moffarfarrah, MUGG, Porpoise Torture , VDO, Urchyn. A collection of vases, books, photos, Carpet Burn: Papakura Art Gallery, Auckland. Cooking, collecting, No Soul for Sale:Tate modern, London, twitter (@clghill), dust, paper, problem poem, and Event Horizon (very preliminary stages):Conical, Dissolve: Flake, loving, scatter, arrangement, Melbourne Biennials facilitator (‘Artist initiated’ 2008, 2011, 2013…2016), oval, purple, you can’t steal a gift, and three’s company: Gambia Castle, Melbourne Now: NGV, instagraming (christopherlghill), meaning to make small comics and graff zines, Free Feudal Barter Store, Boulevard, studio artist, etc:Gertrude Contemporary, clothes, Fury Road: Portland Oregon, sub divide and concrete:Joint Hassles, friendships, passionate relationships, blogs (Jahjahsphix, anotheryouapictureavoicemessagemime, counterfietness first, fubutube, new tab and window shopper, bobasprite, etc), Never work, all art is problematic (self governed thesis, 2008-2014), birdwatching, dishes, grooming, watching youtube, tags, plants, etc…
The artist represents themself and others, born Melbourne 1980c.e, lives World.