Mira Loew, and Jane Frances Dunlop, Bus TV full moon to new moon (hands, fastness, surprise) & other exchanges
Dates: Wednesday 19 August, 7pm AEST, EDT & GMT
Mira Loew and Jane Frances Dunlop have been exchanging. Exchange, a back and forth, one thing for another process, a way of conversing, a way of accumulating, a way of understanding. For Bus TV, Loew and Dunlop share a new work that is the consequence of a set of exchanges occurring over spring 2020. A series of videos form an intimate conversation about distance, isolation, depression and the consequences of stopping by choice and by necessity. The conversation ebbs and flows, sometimes with distinct voices and sometimes not. ‘full moon to new moon (hands, fastness, surprise)’ captures the long-distance friendship of two artists as they attempt to sit with circumstances of personal and global consequence.
‘full moon to new moon (hands, fastness, surprise) & other exchanges)’ will be launched three times at 7pm in each of Melbourne, London, and Toronto (where the artists reside).
Melbourne: https://youtu.be/t-PL_ti7tx8
London: https://youtu.be/HEiESlF4nUI
Toronto: https://youtu.be/zQ43CtbVCYY
Mira Loew is artist, photographer and sometimes choreographer. Her work focuses on how spaces are inhabited, claimed, measured, negotiated and experienced through and with the body. She lives in London, UK.
Her website is http://miraloew.com/.
Jane Frances Dunlop is an artist and writer thinking about frictions and syncopations in the digital ubiquity of late stage capitalism. She lives in Toronto, Canada.
Her website is https://janefrancesdunlop.com/.
Loew and Dunlop have been collaborating since 2013. They have made performances, videos and publications. Their work focuses on modes of exchange and the emotional labours attached them.
Some of their old exchanges can be found at https://exchange-exchange.tumblr.com/.