Olivia Koh For Huntz
Opening: Wednesday 15 February, 6–8pm Dates: 15 February – 11 March 2017
TV: Yeah, ‘Directly connected with moon rockets’
OK: I think that’s why he’s referencing where he is in the world sort of like a transmission.
TV: Ok, I think you can keep it like this. You can change it to-
OK: I don’t think it needs to be changed. You’ve implied that it’s a place.
TV: This is a direct translation: ‘the moon’ and ‘rockets’.
OK: Two words. But they’re not hyphenated.
TV: Yeah, k, I think this part is: if this is what we’ve been forced to do, or what we’ve been told, then its making me like a wild person.
OK: mmm…
TV: driving me wild that’s a phrase, so-
OK: An American-English thing-
TV: Yeah so its making me like a wild person but there’s no little thing that makes, like, driving me wild; d’you think that’s, what does that mean to you or what do you want the meaning to be?
OK: I think its related to this talk of animals and-
TV: Yep so you want to keep the wilderness like, ok, then I think keep it.
OK: making me like a person.
Olivia Koh makes works where the relationship between the text and the image rearticulates historical and cultural references. She co-organises ‘recess’ with Kate Meakin, an online platform for moving-image works. (recess.net.au) She is a recipient of the NAVA Freedman Foundation Travelling Scholarship (2016-18) and will undertake a residency with Green Papaya Art Projects in Manila, the Philippines.
This project is supported by the Yarra City Council for the Arts. Exhibition documentation by Christo Crocker.
“For Huntz”
Text by Olivia Koh