Emily Rose & Isabella Darcy the corner of the drawer
Opening: Wednesday 30 October, 6 - 8pm Dates: 30 October - 23 November, 2019
The corner of the drawer is a place where memories hide, where things that are often forgotten stay, waiting to come out of hiding.
The corner of the drawer combines the practices of Emily Rose and Isabella Darcy and their inherent interest in materials perceived relationships to past identity and memory. A showcase of both discussion and collaboration The corner of the drawer explores material value through experimental processes with the use of found, bought and traded materials and objects, a gesture to the ethics of living with things.
Emily is a recent graduate from Monash University with a Bachelor of Fine Art. Her practice follows an interest in the collection and reuse of found objects. These objects are often found as discarded items around her neighbourhood and the urban landscape. Rose’s work aims to deconstruct her interests in the function and structure of shopping malls. She works primarily with installation and sculpture. Emily co-created and runs Placeholder ARI and is involved with Art Access Australia.
Isabella Darcy is an emerging cross-media artist and recent graduate from Monash University, Bachelor of Fine Art, based in Melbourne, Australia. Her practice follows an interest in the systems and flux of value within consumable materials, objects and design, reconsidering and exploring value and the alignment with ways of contemporary culture, material and visual culture and human consumption. She believes materials and objects, are symbolic of how we navigate our lives.
Recent exhibitions and projects include Reworked (2019) a project exhibited in Behind the Seen a group exhibition at the NARS Foundation, New York; Collectively (2019) a group exhibition at West Space; Neomaterial Girl (2018) a solo exhibition at Sawtooth ARI, Launceston; Caught up in things (2018), a group exhibition at Irene Rose Gallery, Brunswick; springsummer95 (2018) a solo exhibition at Cathedral Cabinet curated by Emma Nixon; Coming Soon: An Exhibition by West Space Volunteers (2018) at West Space, Concrete Commodity a group exhibition at C3 Contemporary Art Space, Melbourne; Commodify Me (2017) a group exhibition at Seventh Gallery curated by David Attwood; RE: a group exhibition at Rearview Gallery, Collingwood. Furthermore, this year Darcy undertook a three-month artist residency at the New York Art Residency & Studios (NARS) Foundation, Brooklyn, New York.