Lise Couchet, Clare Hassett, Martina Mrongovius, Erin O’Callaghan, Philippe Pasquier, Yandell Walton, ‘We’re all looking’ Beyond The Window
Opening: Tuesday 18 March, 6-8pm Dates: 18 March-5 April 2008
Bus gallery invites you to experience Beyond the Window – a group exhibition of optical and sonic installations based on holographic artworks.
‘Beyond the Window’ is curated by Martina Mrongovius, who exhibits her own holographic artwork along with projects that explore the conceptual and technical possibilities of related mediums. The exhibition features installations by six artists working in the emerging fields of holography, stereo-photography, interactive spatial sound, video augmentation and choreographed photography.
Each installation plays upon the viewers’ natural tendencies of perception, framing these perceptions through the virtual windows of screens and into the spaces beyond.
Mrongovius describes the exhibition: ‘Imagery constructed from thousands of glimpses, time that becomes space, emotive spaces of the imagination and sounds to remind you of somewhere else’
The artists’ visual and sonic compositions are structured by the emotion of our encounters with people and places. Experiencing these installations stretches the notion of the image - from the privileged perspective to a dynamic scene.
Together, these artists bring a fresh approach to perception and experience, creating imagery that oscillates between the physical, optical and virtual.
‘We’re all looking’ was an event involving 26 people who captured photographs in choreographed formations around Melbourne. From these photographs Martina Mrongovius produced four holographic scenes for the exhibition at Bus Gallery. To view the holograms you sit on a modified office-chair and move through each of the photographers’ perspectives - building up a sense of the dynamics and space of each holographic image.
Exhibition website: http://www.holographics.com.au/beyond.html