Alice Cummins A Walking Dance A Moving Lecture
Dates: Saturday 15 May, 2pm
A Walking Dance A Moving Lecture
“…the rhythm of walking took the song into the body. Through the body, song became dance, which in turn became ceremony.” Songlines, Margo Neale and Lynne Kelly.
Walking is a falling action - a delicate balance of weight, movement and articulation between the bones, muscles and ground we are walking on. Our footsteps leave a trace, a footfall, an impression. Momentum and neurological organisation keep me from falling.
When we marvel at our child reaching this milestone we are also perceiving an evolutionary moment that connects through time to our ancestors in the animal world. Walking establishes a rhythm that resonates with my heart’s rhythm. Depending on mood, or the imperative of getting somewhere, walking takes on different speeds and dynamics.
Alice is inspired by Margo Neale’s words in Songlines. Her performance/lecture will explore the evolution and choreography of walking and its role in our lives. With the action of walking we engage with spacetime, the built environment, other people, animals, birds, the sounds of traffic, human voices and building works. Walking is a relational dance with the world.
Participants will be invited to consider the action of walking through a kinaesthetic and listening sensory engagement with this seemingly simple yet provocatively complex act. In walking together we weave patterns of living that connect us.
This performance is presented as part of the Walking in the configuration of infinity project
Places are limited due to Covid-safety. To RSVP please email info@busprojects.org.au
Alice Cummins, MA is a dance artist and Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner with a 30-year history of contemporary performance making. Her work is created at the intersection of dance, philosophy and social action involving collaboration with musicians, writers, visual artists and filmmakers in theatres, art galleries, public spaces, and studios. Alice has been a teacher and mentor to a generation of Australian dance and theatre artists. www.alicecummins.com